Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday September 08 2011

Thursday September 08 2011 Family Training Hour Service 7 pm. It was our Cultural Evening in observance of Amerindian Heritage Month. Sis. Lucy conducted the programme. Sis. Claire brought and shared cassava pone to all. It was a good night of fellowship. Here are some pictures of those with their cultural wear.

CLEVE LEUNG being baptised.  Four new members were added to the church on Sunday September 04 2011 during the morning service. These persons were Cleve Leung, Anna Loraine Jordan, Frankie Jordan and Joasabed Ann Jordam. To God be the glory!

Our Good Friday Service commenced at 10.30 am. Our dance group "Pentecostal Conquerors" did a special presentation. During the service Holy Communion was served. The service ended at 12.20 pm and this was followed by a Water Baptism Service at the pool in the church yard. 

Part of the Good Friday congregation

"Pentecostal Conquers" doing the dance "I look to you"

Good Friday Baptism Service  April 22 1020  12.30 pm

Kevin Brock was baptised

Iesha Henry was baptised

Alicia Hughes was baptized

Three babies were  dedicated on Palm Sunday April 17 2010

                                  Today was our Children's Church (Every last Sunday of the month)
                                     Sis.Keisha Stephens, a Teen Class Student presented the lesson
                              Some of the Sunday School pupils in the Children's Church session

                                                        Our Morning Worship Session
                                                 A section of the morning Worship Service

                           Sis. Amanda Corlette led the worship session with Sis. Ram as her worship assistant
                                          Bro Danny on the keyboard and Bro. Stephon on the drums

                   Sis. Lucy preached the morning message. Her topic was "Three rooms in the church -- the
                                    Supper Room, the Upper Room and the Banquet Room"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Friday Activities

                                                           Sis. Claire Charles led in worship

        Sis. Deon from Kuru-kururu God's Batallion New  Testament Church of God sang a special song

                                        Sis. Lucy Binda District Presdent moderated the service                
        The East Bank Demerara Women's District Convention was held on Wednesday 16 February. It was held at our church. All the churches in the district attended and participated. The Guest Speaker was Pastor Joyce Moses from the End Times New Testament Church of God  Belladrum West Coast Berbice.
Her text was Ephesians 1:11-19 and her theme was " Prayer is the key"   Pics above.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday January 30 2011

Great Fellowship Service today. Sis. Amanda Corlette  led the worship and Sis. Nesta Harry assisted her with the worship. We had eight persons visited for the first time. Thank God. Sis. Lucy preached the message which was well received by the congregation.  Her Scripture Text was 1 Cor. 12:12-31 and her theme was
" Our body the temple of God".  Pastor prayed specially for persons at the altar.
Bro. Mark and Sis. Vanessa presented their baby, Junior Mark Anthony Nedd for Dedication. Here are some pics

                                                 Junior Mark Anthony Nedd being dedicated

                                    Bro. Mark( father of Junior) receiving the Dedication Certificate
Sis. Amanda and Sis. Nesta reading the scripture

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1.Intercessory Praying re-commences on Monday Jan 17 at 6.30p
2.Members meeting/conference will be held on Wednesday Jan 19 at 7p. Only members will be allowed to attend. All members are asked to have tangible suggestions for the improvement of our church. Some items on the agenda will be:

Financial Report
Reports from Departments
Calendar of Activities for 2011
AOB,   Etc.

Today Sunday Jan 14 was our Communion Service. We usually have this Communion Service the Sunday following the Week of  Prayer and Fasting. which was held last week. At this Communion Service pastor anointed everyone with oil and prayed for them specially for a spiritual breakthrough this year. The Anointing was very much present at this service. We also observed the National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Friday Jan 14. We had special prayer sessions in church on that day at 10am to 12 noon.
Here are some pics of the Communion Service:
                            Bro. Gordon doing the scripture reading for the morning service. (Psalm 51)

                                                     Sis. Scipio Receiving the Lord's Supper

                      The Fruit of the Vine and the Unleavened Bread representing His shed blood and
    His broken body

Saturday, January 1, 2011